Standard developmental edit

What is a standard developmental edit?

A standard developmental edit takes a deep dive into your novel. Each category in your editorial report will be tailored to the unique needs of your writing. For example, if all your characters sound the same and lack unique voices, you’ll get tailored feedback on where this is happening and detailed information on how you can resolve the issue.

Chapter-by-chapter analysis

I also provide an analysis of each chapter to help you grasp the overall flow and rhythm of your novel. Each chapter will be individually assessed for quality, relevance to your overall plot, pacing, and entertainability.

Character analysis

For characters, I’ll look at your wider ensemble, including protagonists and supporting characters. While I won’t mention every single person or creature your protagonist encounters, if they’re a consistent force across your novel, I’ll give you a rundown on how they’re shaping up from an editor’s perspective by exploring their unique voices, how they develop across your story, and note if they start acting out of character.

Follow-up question time

You’ll also get an hour of follow-up questions via email. This allows you to ask about your editorial report, send paragraphs you’ve rewritten for a second assessment, or get feedback on your ideas to improve your novel.

Second round

Once you have incorporated the revisions from your developmental edit, you can submit your novel for a second round. This will include a report covering all the issues highlighted in your first round.


A standard developmental edit costs US$0.02 per word. Check out my international pricing page for the cost of a standard developmental edit in other currencies.


  • Cost (per word): $0.02

  • Cost (80,000 words): $1600

  • Focus of edit: whatever your novel needs!

  • Report format: structured report (12-20 pages)

  • In-text comments: included

  • Passes: 5

  • Follow-up question time: 60 minutes

  • Second round: included

Is this the service you’re looking for? Head over to the booking page to arrange your edit, or if this isn’t what you had in mind, check out my other services or contact me for advice.