Worldbuilding assessment

What is a worldbuilding assessment?

If you’re confident with your plot but need help developing your world, this is the service for you. Whether you’ve already written your novel or are still in the early stages, a worldbuilding assessment is useful to see if your world is believable, elevates your plot, and interests your readers. Please note I can't provide any advice on the scientific viability of your world, but I can provide an analysis of its structure, any inconsistencies, and how it reads to your target audience. 


This service will look at: 

  • Inconsistencies 

  • Strengths and weaknesses 

  • Rules and laws

  • Environment and geography

  • People and culture

  • Language

  • History

  • Politics

  • Suitability for your target audience

  • Other issues as required

As part of this service, you will receive an editorial report covering the above topics and my recommendations for your novel moving forward.


A worldbuilding assessment costs US$200 for up to 10,000 words. I recommend including a summary of your novel, how your world is shaping up so far, and snippets of your world playing out from your novel.

Is this the service you’re looking for? Head over to the booking page to arrange your edit. If this isn’t what you had in mind, check out my other services or contact me for advice.