Bring vs. take
Bring should be used when the action is directed toward the subject, while take should be used when it’s away from the subject. Bring can also mean to take something to a place.
Breach vs. breech
Breach means the act of breaking a law or agreement, a gap in a barrier or to break something. Breech, on the other hand, means the lower part of something or a breech birth.
Between vs. among vs. amid
Between implies a one-to-one relationship while among implies a collective relationship. Amid, on the other hand, is usually used with mass nouns.
Born vs. borne
As an adjective, born means a specific nationality or the natural ability to do a particular thing while borne means carried or transported by something.
Amused vs. bemused
Amused means to find something funny while bemused means to be puzzled or bewildered.
Blatant vs. flagrant
Blatant means bad behaviour done openly or unashamedly while flagrant is a stronger word which implies the act is illegal or strongly immoral.
What is juxtaposition? Definition and examples
Juxtaposition creates contrast between two or more concepts, such as light and darkness. This literary device is used to highlight the difference between the compared items, such as light being a source of hope while darkness represents despair.
Awhile vs. a while
Awhile means for a short time. A while refers to a period of time and follows the prepositions for or in.
Bi- vs. semi-
Bi- means two while semi- means half, meaning a biweekly meeting would be held every two weeks while a semiweekly meeting would be held twice a week. However, biannual and semiannual both mean twice a year. To say once every two years, use biennial instead.
What is a soliloquy? Definition and examples
A soliloquy is a speech or monologue directed at the speaker themselves which demonstrates their internal dialogue or inner thoughts.
Beside vs. besides
Bi- means two while semi- means half, meaning a biweekly meeting would be held every two weeks while a semiweekly meeting would be held twice a week. However, biannual and semiannual both mean twice a year. To say once every two years, use biennial instead.
What is a proverb? Definition and examples
A proverb is a popular saying that contains generally accepted advice or wisdom. Proverbs are short and are often metaphorical or indirect.
Avenge vs. revenge
Both avenge and revenge mean to inflict harm in return for a wrong done to someone, but revenge implies the action comes out of resentment or anger. Revenge is more often used as a noun.
Biannual vs. semiannual vs. biennial
Biannual and semiannual both mean twice a year. To say once every two years, use biennial instead.
What is a homonym? Definition and examples
Homonyms are words which sound the same but have different meanings, such as flower and flour.
Auger vs. Augur
An auger is a tool used for boring while augur means to foretell a good or bad outcome.
What is a polyptoton? Definition and examples
Polyptoton is the repeating of words derived from the same root. For example, hurried and hurrying derive from the same root word of hurry.
Attain vs. obtain
Attain means to succeed in achieving something or to reach a specified size or amount. Attain implies an effort to achieve, while obtain is to gain possession of something. However, in everyday usage both attain and obtain are often treated as synonyms.
What is a capitonym? Definition and examples
Capitonyms are words whose meanings change when they are capitalised, such as mandarin (the fruit) and Mandarin (the language).